Project Alexandroid appeared 1996 in Petersburg. When Andrei came to Petersburg, we decided to form project called Gods Delusion and started to appear on the scene as Alexandroid. Gods Delusion had its own spirit of time (1996/95) which joined 5 people. Ruslan Marozov (poetry), Andreas (prog&ideas), Ruslan Kruminsh (video), Andrew Antonets (composing, prog), Alexander Matrosov (vocal, composing).
- Could you briefly describe your first experience in the world of music?
Yes, that was funny. In 1990 I got a piano, deft processor :) and microphone. All was recorded on cassette tape recorder.
- Can you point out a list of teams and musicians whose creativity influenced you and without whom you'd feel some emptiness?
There's much of them! In classics Tchaikovsky, Mozart, U2, Depeche Mode, Nitzer Ebb and many many more djs, impossible to list all of them! This summer, for example, we sat by fire and sang songs!
- Album or track, created by any musician in this galaxy which makes you happy most of all? What's number one for you?
Of course, especially Requiem with all its variations, something positive, nice, majestic and very simple and clear too.
- Can you name one or several tracks recorded by you which have great importance personally for you? Your favorite track, album in Alexandroid creative work?
My favorite tracks are "olainfarm", "blye sky", "for after", "disko 3000", "Costya and 12smarTballs". There is a special appeal in each our album (time, space, love). New album Alexandroid will obligatory appear and I think, it will make many people glad.
- Flexkiks' album Freeland... What can you say about this work? As far as we know, several people took part in it and most part of materials was recorded in Germany. Tell us how this album appeared and some words about this period in your life.
Flexkiks appeared about a year ago when I came to my brother. Three persons took part in this project: my brother, Igor (Arthur Berent) and me, we were gathering at a studio in Munich and just tried. Freeland is an impulse free of bounds. All is changing from simple to complicated and vice-versa. I believe in future of this project for long years!
- Which concept and ideas did you put in creation of album Freeland? Which message you wanted to bring to your listeners?
Message... I think all that we must do is to create! I think, concerning this question everybody has what to think over!
- As we mentioned, album Freeland is inhabited by a huge number of images and heroes living in tracks, such as Redobox, Clockman, Portobello road, Digital confusion, Mi60nok. As we understand it, they are quite real images from life which gained immortality in music or the key thing is the specific titles of the tracks?
Each track is something that makes the history of Flexkiks.
- Is it your first idea realized in music, generated in parallel with basic creative work or you have some other ideas too?
Ideas?! Like in 'sports'!
- Are there any territories in music unknown to you, in which you'd like to start making some new experiments?
Of course. For example, 'soft' territory, synthesis of programs and so on.
- What are you planning to do in nearest 6 months? What's going on with team Alexandroid at the moment? Recently in club '16 tonn' there was nearly one of the last concerts. What about your new project Autopilots – is it temporarily stopped due to realization of new ideas? You have just made album Flexkiks, Android prepares his second solo work for release.
Flexkiks, Аutopilots - these projects are in process right now! Project Alexandroid proceeds and will proceed!
- Will electronic music be able to become popular music as Autechre prognosed it or it will stay individual, only for definite wizards?
Pink Floyd and Autechre. Popular song!
- What's prerogative for you - melodies or arrangement?
Melody is a more understandable transmission form. Arrangement can change. And idea, content and result are the most important things!
- Did you try to work in other fields only partly connected with music? For example to shoot films, paint pictures, to write books or something else? Not long ago in Riga project 'Orbita' released a disc and DVD.
I write stories, but they can't be called a script or a book.
- You, Android and Selffish took part in this project. Tell about 'Orbita' and about your contribution to it.
Better to see the site www.orbita.lv
- Tell in general, whether the situation with electronics in Russia has changed much lately. What do you like and what disappoints you? How can you characterize experimental music in this country in future?
Lately new names started to appear.
- Is work in the West – publishing and concerts more important for you than work with the same fields but in Moscow? You were in France, where Laurent Garnier, person number one in techno-culture called your team the best one in 2003. You released split with Lazyfish in Germany and at last your album False Starts was released on English Lo recordings. You gave concerts in England and Monaco, though literally before France team Alexandroid was almost over. Are you satisfied with these results or you waited for something more? In general are ups and downs like the way to move through your life or life builds your routes on its own?
I'm lack of time, but I do my best to take care of everything in general.
- How do you think your creative work and you will look like in future?
Perfect question! My creativity has deep roots in project Alexandroid.
- With whom would you like to work in future, to create and record? Does it matter for you, whether project's member is well-known or unknown? Or everything depends only on personal sympathy?
All can matter, first of all – talent!
- What do you want to get from life? Are you satisfied with everything? Would you like to change anything?
Yes, I want to change the world.
- If you had a possibility to start everything all over again, would you do what you're doing now or you'd chose another way?
Everybody always has a choice, one can chose different ways to reach his aim.