This full-value album (free for downloading) is a very pleasant present made by the Portuguese label Crónica and the Israeli Ran Slavin. In general, having made no changes in style conception and sounding, nevertheless he presented interesting sound sketches of a big night city. Deep like ocean, gloomy like the sky tired of smog...
In such enormous space of 'civilization' we often follow the way to neon rainbows risking our freedom. And every time we come back we get instructions of acting in this bright cage. This cycle will have no end until you show your courage and get out of this system - only then you'll be able to have the objective view of it. Only then you feel the music of Nocturnal Rainbow Rising dark, dense sound waves with the surrounding world. Clicks, rustling and other effects of glitch-algorithms slightly cut the shapeless sounds. Splashes and twinkling... something constantly glares on the background of this dark ambient trip. I'm sure that this net-release will become the wonderful present for many listeners. This album is deep enough to immerse into it and interesting enough to repeat this procedure for many times.
- Crónica
- Ran Slavin