Looking at the black-and-white picture of the release any person can imagine what he is going to hear. Add to your feelings even more space, oxygen, some frosty cold and the result will be the reality of Millipede, that's what the author was engaged in for the latest ten years.
Listening to such composition as "Coming Storm" your consciousness imagines at once the research station lost somewhere in arctic latitudes, snow all around, silence, far away the real storm is starting and we can hear its approaching without special radiograms.
One can fall into snow mass also in "Deepest Peace", with this composition Don Hill finishes his debut full-value album. After it appears "disturbed as Hecq remix" - armourpiercing remix which is absolutely unnecessary here, it's too excess for "Deepest Peace", without it everything in this album is still fantastically splendid. I'm sure that in the future album by project Millipede everything will be far more fascinating, and don't forget that this record is just the debut work of the American musician.
- Hymen Records
- Millipede