Darkness is absent here at all, though in compositions there is still enough sadness, piano parties and inner desertion. Soundtrack for unshot films, unpainted pictures and unlived life, but all is about how it all might look like. Such parts of compositions as "Stramir", "Kido", "Pause" demonstrably show it. And the tenth track "Substeel Animal" is to my mind one of the best tracks in this release, the second visiting card left by the musician. It's the true idm as Nebulo sees it - catching, memorable, sensitive and fragile. General impression after listening and looking through the photos used for Avutma design is rather positive. I suppose that in the next album if it will be, all may be even more interesting and original. Here, of no doubt, new healthy synthesis and sound solutions are needed. And cardinal sound solutions as well as searching for new instruments for creative self-expression.
- Hymen Records