The cover design is delusive, as its simplicity doesn't illustrate the whole volume of ideas and godsends hidden inside the disc. But at the same time it perfectly renders the release's concept - complicated in simple things, ready-made Rubic cube seems to be very simple so that each kid can cope with it.
Glimmering of keys dusted with moving streams of atmosphere vortex and sunny shine of IDM-glares returns you to that far away summer day when you were lying in the grass with your hands stratched and eyes half-open to pretend you were dreaming. The ground is so close to you, fuzzy pictures, all the sounds around seem to be more distinct and miraculous. Chattering of 'Reactor' samples interlace with the instruments alive, real bass field is slashed by rusty ambient rays through which deserted factory can be seen. You dream of this dangerous, full of adventures, secret walk through its works.
Each sample is one hero of your own cartoon, each track (starting with light "Life is" and more obscure one "Static") - is a short story thought up by yourself. And as it goes in fairy-tales, despite all the adventures you are safe, you are the winner and there goes the happy ending.
- Lagunamuch records