Perfect 2xCD release of music experiments by tireless Spanish audio artist Francisco López. As it's mentioned in the album's title, it contains records of 2006 and 2007. Basic material is still field records, various sounds surrounding us - the wind sound and leaves' rustling, clattering of odd metal mechanisms of industrial epoch. The album is very rich and diverse. In descriptions for the tracks you can find the information about which sound material is the basis of the composition. We can meet both records made by López by himself (for example, in park or at a lake) and music material of other musicians: Rapoon, Kathy Kennedy, Thomas Phillips and Lawrence English.
Each track is like an autonomous installation creating the voluminous world with the help of sounds - sounds of different mood and representation. Sometimes it's dense, locking, viscous drone, sometimes it's calming nature sounds. We can also meet dark frightening sound pictures like in track "untitled #194" - the sound of bursting projectiles shakes general sound space. López skillfully turns the listener into a stalker, a researcher. No track can't be called just 'a mixture of field records', they are all filled with unique mood and emotional charge which compiles the microfeelings of the musician in this or that period of his life. Perhaps this very freedom of abstract music attracts attention of the listener - it's not tied to anything, it can have any 'sauce' that makes this music rather complicated for a wide audience of listeners. Yes, it's really complicated but that's the reason why we should love such music...
- Francisco López
- Monochrome Vision