Oppidan is based on a short story thought up by AtA. It tells about a normal girl student who turned into a member of a bloodthirsty band. The place of things happening is in futuristic Detroit where town's part (known as Parisville) was destroyed. Band which accepted the girl was located in a building called "Oppidan". These word definitely tend to something rural or representing dwelling region. The album itself was born out of separate moments of the story. Its sounding reminds a little bit of legendary duet Gridlock's creativity. Spiteful tongues blame him for unoriginality. To my mind, there isn't a trace of repetitions, this musician got his own mature style long time ago, it was obvious in his previous net-releases, by the way, very good ones too. Together with rhythm and groove musician couldn't do without elements of dubstep omnipresent today, though presented by AtA it sounds freshly and skillfully. It's worth to note such tracks as "Cairpore", "First Kill", "Recon" and "Waiting War". In general in the album one can mention the division into two parts, and the first part is noticeably harder. Before us appear the gloomy pictures of postapocaliptical future: lifeless landscapes and destroyed towns, with no hope for surviving, where each person is for himself only. "Cairpore" and "First Kill" are the most notable compositions of the first part, biting, categorical, they pierce ear with their powerful energetics. Electrostatic discharges, anxious synths, shuffling and absolutely unrepeated bit at first make the impression of chaos. Though listening more attentively you understand that here's some subtle regularity. In this respect the American if not passed ahead, then at least he came close to such mature musicians as Hecq, Proem or Tapage. After the ninth track "Jody" rigidity degree is lowered, giving place to softer and more refined forms. To my mind, the best track of the second part is undoubtedly "Waiting War". Here you are to meet the unforgettable and a little bit psychedelic trip through the night Detroit of the future.
Perhaps the only thing which could be objective critics is the length of the album. Still that's not a simple task to hold the attention of listeners during 70 minutes - 17 tracks. I can't say that it seems to be protracted, though it would be good for AtA to have some sense of harmony.
Well, Oppidan is dedicated to all cyberpunks and fans of high-technology music. This record will excite your imagination not for one time only, being a perfect soundtrack for books of William Gibson or graphic novels of Warren Ellis.
- Tympanik Audio
- Spectraliquid
- Access To Arasaka