Starting with the first track "Hazy" we absorb juicy supply of weightful, perverted rhythms, dreary synthetic backings and effects wrap round us. Having left the fog zone, we get to an open place filled with sunlight and bright colors of nature. Very light and emotional ambient track "A Short Story About..." is changed by rhythmical "Circle Of Memories" created together with Flaque. Due to its d`n`b this album is very similar to the Kattoo’s album Places. Changing landscapes and moods we move up to the end of the album, get into bondages of melancholic guitar’s drone ("Snowflake"). Sometimes they unite with powerful wind rushes ("Alternate Reality"), sometimes we hear the sound of nature – rhythmical and drive "Resonance and Once Upon A Lonely Boy".
In general the album is 'diverse', it concentrated various moods and ways of their representation. In some places it’s very elegant, sometimes simplified by rectilinear loops of drums and rather perfunctory sequences. In comparison with the project Ab Ovo Jérôme Chassagnard this album has more emotions, feelings, it liberated its compositions and rose them high over the Earth surface. Thus their creative work lost some anthropogenic charms of Ant-Zen. Nevertheless this album must have and really has its fans.
- Hymen records