What is psychogeography and what will this article be about? The notion "psychogeography" was founded by the French situationists more that half a century ago. As its aim psychogeography sets investigation of exact rules and specific effects of territorial surrounding, organized intentionally or not, influencing emotions and behavior of an individual. The thing is that each geographical object is followed by some story, both intimate and social. Each city, village, inhabited place is covered with superstitions, myths, legends, various events of historical and personal character - and at the same moment all is connected to somebody's personal memories. No doubt, it all adequately influences people living here or crossing this place.
Sound stylistics is rather wide - musique concrete, noise, fields recordings, glitch, ambient. But on the other hand, this stream is not so wide. The centre of this compilation is Babai, the village lost not far away from Harkov in Ukraine. Round it, on the whole planet surface, like fantail, radiate spots where various artists gathered and recorded their conceptual sound-photos - America, Argentine, Switzerland, France, Holland and so on.
All sounds diversely and rather unusually – it's pleasant that such recognized masters as Francisco Lopez, Radian, Tom Carter, Steinbruchel, Kim Сascone, Frans de Waard took place in it. The serious and accurate work is felt here. To everything already written only one thing can be added - compilation with sound sketches recorded on it is more interesting for the citizens of big cities than for people from village who obviously don't need to listen to the surrounding reality, they have long ago used to the surrounding sound-panorama. For those who rarely leave city and go to the countryside or village it's sometimes useful without leaving their flat to immerse into the unknown subspace of psychogeography to catch the breath of unhurried ambient life.
- Nexsound