Introductory composition "Dead Star" with slow metallic march starts its procession, perhaps this is the sounding of Dart Vader's steps - heavy, slow though purposeful and inevitable. Aggression hasn't left music, it just took new forms and delineation, not changing their inner content. It can be clearly heard in the following tracks, "Quantum Religion", "Subdared", "Mutating Virus". Severe main track "Mercury" obviously demonstrates appearance in music of the team with cosmic and fantastic three-dimensional sound. The album really sounds like an integral deadly soundtrack recorded on another planet and about another forms of life. It's clear that SR could record more releases in the style of Circumflex, Augmented Lines, Touching the Void, though it's rather obvious that for musicians themselves this process is not so much interesting - to proceed working in usual frames and their own standards. As infernal industrial artists they need new experiments to proceed their research work with secret horizon lines. The last composition of this release "Ulrich Would be Proud" is perhaps one of the kindest and most beautiful tracks in the team's history, very melodic and sincere theme, ideal ending for a cosmic travel. What is left is to listen to the album for several times again deepening into it more and more, Mercury is a very multilayer work to understand it after the first listening, thanks very much for that to the musicians and Acroplane Recordings.
- Acroplane
- Somatic Responses