Electric guitar, drum machine, in some places the theme is carried on with trumpet and trombone. You can feel powerful wish to create something unusual and beautiful, to mix all paints boiling up inside like a many-colored mass hearing the cherished word combination "avant-garde". But it seems that trying to make music more complicated, igOr got lost in his own wishes. In some tracks I heard the question "and what am I doing?" and "what should I do further?". Fingers run over guitar strings faster than idea... On the cover there is something like a knitted home-made moon fitting music greatly. Lunar Surphase is nothing else but "home-made music", as if musicians gathered one day at home to improvise, to play what they like and that what now, at this moment will come to mind recording it all on digital recorder certainly for further release. By no means, I don't criticize such approach or sounding that gets its consequence. Just to my mind, in this very case the result was a confused, and most important, idealess burst of creative energy.
- III Records