Album begins with a "Космолёт" (Spacecraft), which crosses out all notion about surrounding reality, melted ambient stream that is crunching & being iridescent, preparing us for departure to faraway (for a while) world. And voice-over is announcing: 'Spaceship is being repaired and everyone is ready for the flight'. And we are, of no doubt, coming under temptation to hear all the occurring things further. Avant-garde methods of fingering drums sounds, splashes of guitar chords, samples of speech somewhere on the background... Full abstraction from the reality, it's some kind of a rule for such kind of music. Complicated structure (I'd rather say it is antistructure) prevents us from distraction even for a second in order to catch all events in this gloomy musical tales. Yeap, like in tales exactly, sometimes voices try to tell us about everything happening here and there round us. For instance, in the track "Дедушкина Комната" (Grandfather's room) we are sure that slippers are moving & grandfather's clocks continue to tick. Finally, at the terminal station we are getting out of that spaceship, we are advised: "Dear friends! Be kind to each other, love your nearest & dearest & be happy! ". Why not?
Of no doubt, this musician should be told "Thanks" for such an album (by the way, free to download) & for the impressions he had made upon his listeners.
- Hyperboloid
- Gultskra Artikler