Due to this fact just from the very beginning of the album the author lives up the expectations of something worthy for thoughtful listening. Borisov recides monotonously as if to himself some texts the sense of which aren't of great interest. The speech is accomponied by rather rough (but not losing its aesthetics) electronic jazz(?) where alive (mostly percussive) sounds can be heard. After recollections on the remote childhood and short excursion to the history of Lev Termen`s life the listener is supposed to listen to a fragment of alive show in St. Petersburgh. This is the beginning of probably the most interesting fragments of the album. They are included in the tracks more deep and meaningful in sense of music - "Automated Management System for the Seafood Industry (live in St. Petersburg)", "Engineer Strepetov's Curve", "Voimakassuolaista voita", "Metaphysics of Swing (live in Stralsund)", "Bright Air (live in Brussels)", "Late Night Loop". Music in this tracks is represented by experiments with rustling, twisting electronic noise and roaring - rather dry and confused, in some parts sharply, monotonous and deeply. Of course somebody will like that, somebody will not, in any case the moments of listening will leave their imprints in your mind. No matter, which kind of impression this music provides, it's important that it impresses in any case.
- N&B Research Digest