The Echo Garden is a good example of such music, the best variants of which can be of no doubt heard on releases of 12k or Room40. Nature, the sun coming through tree branches, grass bushes where one wants to fall and lie without moving... The whole sound picture is carefully and intelligently sewed together by the threads of rough, glitch electronics. Maybe for some people the album seems to be just the next replication of that had been done by 12k and other labels. Of course, it can be close to the truth, Jimmy Behan won't surprise with anything new in composition the references to creativity of Taylor Deupree and Seaworthy can be heard, a little bit of con_cetta and Off The Sky, in some places Machinefabriek and Pan American... The list can be proceeded for along time, though it doesn't have any sense as The Echo Garden is a pleasant for listening, quite self-sufficient work.
- Audiobulb
- Jimmy Behan