Well, it is so that I rarely get acquainted with Japanese music. But almost every time when I have such an opportunity, my mind literally boils up. Be it microwave by already cult personage Ryoji Ikeda, experimental hip-hop by Cappablack and Satanicpornocultshop or not less original techno-noise project NHK... Lately I got by chance a CD of a young team
Chimidoro. Guys play rollicking mixture of Japanese pop music (so-called j-pop), sometimes hip-hop and even techno. They don't even play but break the door into your flat, rush inside and start singing, making fun and screaming. At once when I started listening to them, there appeared a smile on my face. Maybe that's impossible to listen to it being in bad mood. No,
Chimidoro don't astonish you by sound layers' eclecticism or wonderful sound design, but their crazy ardour and expression surprise and make you glad at the same time.
Before Nao Suzuki, Kentaro Miyama and Hiroaki Kusumoto started recording music imitating characters of one TV program, they organized a team of bicyclists and gave it the title which later passed to the musical project. These people play music as if they rush along on their bicycles at very high speed. On their way they play different tricks singing quick songs and just playing fool. The first result of their bicycle-musical band is a record, hardly claiming to be called 'intelligent', though cheerful and energetic one not without experiments. For some people it can fully become the supply of cheerfulness and good mood.
Citadel records
Tokyo Fun Party