For 4 years Fedor Konyukhov Tribute was awaited. And that's hard to say who waited for it more – those who somewhen got to know about 'new Siberian experimental label' opening or musicians themselves, whose compositions were collecting dust in archives. Why they were waiting – that's still a puzzle. Net-release seems to require not much money for release, the material for the album was gathered hardly during all this time even taking into account the membership of the team – quite imposing international one (Ukraine, France, Denmark, Finland). It seems Heavy Mental never searched for pother – in general that's a peculiar feature of local scene – intimacy and some indifference to All-Russian fame - by the way, it's rather nice itself. But here's the reverse of the medal: self-installed 'iron curtain' can doom this music to ossification.
Fedor Konyukhov Tribute meets us with rather odd for chosen format cover. Evidently in such a way they expressed their faith in Fedor's power in every respect. Our acquaintance proceeds in general with already usual music – mixture of IDM, brakcore, electro and others of that ilk.
Of course, I was nostalgically stirred by hyperactive KLUtCh and Math Geek, W23 appeased me (well, again nostalgically, like father Aphex managed to do it early 90s). Kustota slightly covered with distorted romance, nevertheless the album left even not dual impression. One shouldn't wait for revolutions today. But despite talks about progress in music, it's more sad to speak about regress.
- Heavy Mental