Everything is extremely conceptual and thoroughly thought over - such attitude to projects' creation can be rarely met among net releases and network labels. These musicians don't care about urgent fashion tendencies - their work is very clear and distinct as well as on their real cd-media. Author's conceptual cover-design of Liam-Arthur Berent depicts the inner-world of the heroes in the skyscrapers city out of the Good's and Evil's borders. The album's cover keeps us in suspence from the very beginning and invites us to the fairy trip.
"White" is the intensive start of the Abstract Avenue. Crystal keyboard sounds drifting at the very beginning add to the syncopated drum parties and electronics reminding us of the Burnt Friedman's experiments in his imaginary synthesis of click'n'cuts and acid jazz.
These experiments were continued in this joint split. Track "Verdreht" is the melodious turn to the guitar string runnings and voices of Tatjana Scheel - sentimental autumn vocalism. Light music in night cafe - time for resting and dreaming.
"Dejavue" is the lost theme by Plusminus with incredibly sad keyboards and home atmosphere. This effect is so expressive that sudden sample of the voice in German makes us feel like being in another country.
"Habitat" - the theme is changed by Abstract Avenue. This time it's the absolutely new music with another mood. It's better to listen to it on your own and make your own conclusions.
"I Dont Think It's Real" is the fairy sketch by Plusminus with Lucy Wilke's female vocalism. Of no doubt, we consider this composition to be the best of Luminogramm's works. Just listen to Lucy Wilke's voice and you'll understand why we made such a choice.
"Shizofob" are the odd electro-breaks of Abstract Avenue. It sound like a soundtrack for some cyber-phantastic film, realization of dark future's prospects. Especially grotesque and unreal is the sound of the straight drums coming off from some dark city. The theme is speeden up by the track "Ride" - one more dark trip-pearl by Abstract Avenue. Night is the time for post-rave and high-speed trips through the city jungles. This time it's the slight acid break-beat and psychedelic keyboards, malicious reality with very pleasant sound. It's like the cold sudden recognition of yourself in the role of cyber-monster on the pages of the black-and-white comics. Everything's ok, dark sound-designer knows well what he's doing - there's no abstraction, its' a very concrete and efficient work. Singing flanger guitars emphasize the correctness of Concrete Avenue's musical direction. "Flight Ticket" by Plusminus slightly emerges through the gloomy sketches of the distant future - sad idm-pallete washed away by the rain and water - better to listen to it in a big empty house in total loneliness.
"Low Quality Animation" is the continuation of the acoustic sentimental melody. Solely autumn music - classic perverted music - special version for a silent film. "Verdreht (Instrumental)" is the instrumental play. Peculiar version of the second album's track, unfortunately without the voice but with more rhythmic picture. Sounds like the soundtrack for leaving the sentimental cafe. "Moi Sok" of Abstract Avenue is the noisy designer creation turning to the breakcore, it slightly reminds of the Amon Tobin's last works,but this album has its own supply of mechanical fury plus absence of human beings. In one word, 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. In "Mama's Bad Thing's" aggression and cruelty melts away like a dream, it's changed by the inner melancholy and sadness. Arthur Berent realizes nostalgic idm-melodies and gains unpredictability of compositions' structure.
"Pac Man" and "The Children's Crusade" by Plusminus is the turn to two hard drill`n`bass tracks, using scratches, acid drums and voices fragments. The repetition of the record from square 16.
"Lost" - after fast, syncopated rhythms comes tiredness. In some cunning way rhythms and melodies slide apart like vinyl records. Chaos of the morning coming to us.
"Hauptsteuerung" - you feel like being present in the intergalactic alien spacecraft, new p-funk age and Rastafarians of dub culture gain their weightlessness and eternity. Perhaps it's the best possible ending of the trip through Luminogramm. Our trip is over...
- Legoego